Best Vitamin C Serum For Oily Skin — COUI Skincare

Best Vitamin C Serum For Oily Skin

An important building block for good quality skin is vitamin C. When it comes to oily skin, acne breakout and makeup maintenance are two of the major problems everyone faces. Good quality vitamin C serum helps to maintain an excessively oily skin and therefore can save you from acne and other problems associated with oily skin.

We understand that dealing with oily skin can be quite difficult. Let’s be honest, nobody likes waking up to a face full of grease. If you’re looking for a way out, then vitamin C serums can be a very useful tool for you in maintaining your oily skin. Today we’ll be answering some of the common queries regarding vitamin C serum and how to use it in the right manner.

Should you use vitamin C serum for oily skin?

First of all, knowing vitamin C serum benefits will help you make your decision firmly. If you are using a good quality vitamin C serum, you will be pleasantly surprised to the see the results we can assure you on that! The list of vitamin C serum benefits can go quite long. Here we have tried to discuss some of the notable ones:

Healthy skin

woman with healthy skin

Vitamin C serum indirectly increases the production of collagen fibers suitable for healthy and firm looking skin. Pollution and wrong food habit can lead to a decrease of collagen production in the skin. This makes your skin lose the firmness and rigidity that it’s supposed to have. A healthy skin requires at least 70 percent of collagen. Vitamin C serum ensures that your skin is enriched with the right proportion of collagen to keep it firm and fresh.

Sun damage protection

With oily skin, finding an ideal sunscreen is the toughest job. Most of the sunscreen creams or lotions make the skin even oilier which can make you quite uncomfortable when going outside.

Vitamin C serum actually provides sun protection for a minimum of 24 hours. In fact, if you have scars due to sun damage or harmful UV rays, vitamin C serum helps in removing those as well. The anti-oxidizing feature of vitamin C serum actually protects your skin from prolonged sun damage.

Skin hardening prevention

skin hardening

Skin hardening is often termed as skin ‘glycation’. The condition occurs due to the reaction of various carbohydrates in the skin, it decreases the important nutrients required for your skin making it hard and susceptible to skin problems. As we’ve already mentioned vitamin C creates collagen.

Collagen content neutralizes the effect of glycation and helps in making your skin look beautiful as ever. Here’s a pro tip: you can keep your skin smooth and fresh for a long time if you avoid nicotine and caffeine in your food habit.

Lengthens younger looking skin

It is quite natural that once you start to age, your skin does not remain the same anymore. Our skin loses its glaze and signs of ageing appear in various forms of wrinkles and pigmentation. In fact, even if you at your prime age, pre-mature wrinkling is a great problem for oily skin if not managed properly. The reasons behind it could be pollution, smoking, unhealthy food habits and many more.

Vitamin C serum can help mitigate the aging skin hazards. How? Well, it produces the right amount of collagen content that your skin requires. The anti-oxidant properties help to keep the skin firm for a longer period of time making your skin look younger naturally.

How to use Vitamin C serum?

Does vitamin C serum really work? A common query among people who want a solution to their oily skin. We can assure you that the product will work out for you if you use a good quality product and more importantly, use it in the right manner.


You should always keep in mind how often to use vitamin C serum to get the desired results. For oily skin, the frequency of usage can be twice a day, although we would recommend that you use the serum at night right before going to bed. Consistency is the key here if you really want to see visible results.


washing face

You need to exfoliate your skin first so that the serum can penetrate into the skin easily. Wash your face with a gentle face wash, face scrub or your regular cleanser. We are not recommending any specific product for washing your face because everyone is unique.

But in general, we do suggest you use a mattifying deep cleansing face wash and exfoliate thoroughly to remove some of the excess oil. Wash the skin thoroughly and let your face stay wet for a while before you gently pat off.


Use your regular toner to tighten down the pores of your skin. Since you will be using the serum afterward, a non-alcoholic toner is better to use in this case. Pro tip, toner that has witch hazel present in it will accelerate the process of vitamin C serum benefits.


After the toning, apply the vitamin C serum on your face and massage all the areas slowly with your fingertips. Keep the serum on the face for a period of 5 to 8 minutes. You need to give enough time to the serum to get into the skin pores and do their job. Removing the serum before the completion of 5 minutes might not be a wise task to do.


Next you apply your moisturizer, face cream or night cream and you are good to go. The process is actually quite simple and would take you a maximum of 30 minutes. We feel if it can make your skin look healthy, it’s a wise decision to make.


You should store the serum in a cupboard or fridge to sustain the anti-oxidant properties for a long time.

Role of vitamin C serum in dark spot reduction

Does vitamin C serum fade dark spots? Luckily it does! Vitamin C serum has the quality to remove dark spots from sun damage or acne. So, how does vitamin C serum remove dark spots then?

- Initially it helps in prevention of acne, pimples or scars at the first place if you use it regularly

- The serum will protect your skin capillaries by reducing irritation and inflammation

- The vitamin C serum will help to brighten up the skin and lighten the dark pigmentation

- The collagen and anti-oxidant properties of the serum will eventually help in fading away the dark spots

Ingredients of an ideal vitamin C serum


When you are using vitamin C serum, you should check in for some added ingredients if you want extra benefits. The presence of these ingredients along with vitamin C serum will make the healing process of skin smoother and faster.

- Salicylic acid to prevent blackheads or whiteheads

- Retinol to help accelerate the skin cell turnover

- Niacinamide to speed up acne or spot healing process

- Sulfur and Resorcinol to reduce extra oil from the skin

- Tea tree essential oil for anti-inflammatory purposes

Side effects of using vitamin C serum

Some common vitamin C serum side effects include itching, irritation and redness. Skin types are different and various reasons could work behind it. This is a problem for extra sensitive skin types. Therefore, if you have an extra sensitive skin along with oily skin, you should consult with your dermatologist before using the serum.

Some recommended products for you

If you are convinced that vitamin C serum is the right choice for you. Here are some good quality products that can be used for healthy and younger looking skin.

COUI Super C Serum

For anti-aging properties and for a firm looking skin, this product from the brand COUI is a suitable choice for you. COUI’s Super C Serum promises an incredible epidermal growth factor meaning your skin’s collagen production would be on full time boost. Along with its other anti-aging synergic prowess, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles while bidding goodbye to your oily skin all at once!

COUI Natural Vitamin C Serum

If you prefer organic products more for your oily skin type, COUI's Natural Vitamin C serum is a good choice for you since the ingredients are extracted from the purest natural source. COUI’s Natural Vitamin C Serum has the highest concentration of pure vitamin C to give you the skin of your dreams. It will restore your skin’s elasticity make it firmer. The boosted collagen production helps get back your radiance. If you want to heal your skin completely, repair needs to start at the cellular level in your skin.

You can also check out COUI’s 20% vitamin C serum for both oily and sensitive skin. The serum gives natural exfoliation for the skin and also protects against harsh weather and other hazardous environmental factors.

Things to know about oily skin

Oily skin is no different from regular skin. It requires the same amount of care you do for your normal skin. Here are few fun facts about oily skin.

- The natural oil secreted by the Sebastian glands help to keep the skin healthy and soft

- With oily skin, the younger look of the skin will actually last longer

- Moisturizing the oily skin is important

- It is always essential to drink plenty of water to keep the skin pores hydrated

Final verdict

Among hundreds of brands on the market, for oily skin, the COUI’s vitamin C serums will definitely benefit you in many ways. You can have a healthy and spotless skin for a longer period of time with using COUI’s vitamin C serums regularly. So give this product a try and see visible results with your own eyes!

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